Monday, April 19, 2010

Headtrack+Servo+Webcam = fun

For our EECE541 project, we're building a 3D webcam chat system. I've been working on the headtracking portion, and decided this would be a neat way to demonstrate the results:


-Processing sketch
-Arduino Microcontroller
-Two webcams: one for head tracking, one for the view. One is slightly hacked to fit onto the servo.

The system demonstrates three concepts:

1. Simple pixel-based 1D head tracking - take the difference between a static background and a live view, threshold it, and return the horizontal value of the top-most pixel

2. Fishtank AR/VR systems: utilizes the viewer's position to render a scene. Kinda like this.

3. Arduino/Processing: An awesome platform to work with hardware and software to prototype new ideas. Servos, webcams, image processing... all done with a couple lines of code!