After a quick google and 2 minutes of tinkering, I sent an excited message back to my friend with the following images:
The solution: Exposed film negatives!! It turns out developed film that has been exposed to light is a great infra red filter. The bit at the beginning of the roll is usually exposed when you put it into the camera, unless you load it in the dark. (I remember sometimes trying to do this under a blanket to save the first few shots of a roll... this way a roll of 36 can get you 38~40 shots, if you're lucky). You can see the tea-light candle and the film strip in my hand in the above image. And here is what the captured image looks like with the film strip taped onto the front of the web cam:
The solution was so quick, cheap and simple that I had to post about it, right away! :-)
Now the problem of course is the lack of availability of film these days... luckily I kept all my photos/negatives from before...
Credits to here and here.