Friday, May 31, 2013

PENny, a low cost pressure sensitive stylus

PENny is a cheap pressure sensitive addition for a capacitive touch screen. Using the built in audio input and output and an extremely simple passive resistive network, an extra degree of expressivity can be added. Here we see Nicolas testing it out before flying to Korea for NIME2013. Full paper here.

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Third Places Workshop@CHI2013, Paris

Coffee shops, Paris, and mobile phone choirs - we're very excited to present at the HCI-3P workshop for CHI2013 on bringing music-making to "Third Places" using technology (Extended abstract here). Part of the workshop activities include visiting typical 3rd places (restaurants, bistros, cafes) around Paris.

Somewhat related: here's a visit to Chopin's grave at Père Lachaise Cemetery during one of the afternoons I sneaked off from the conference :)