Friday, October 14, 2016

Raspberry Pi Robot with PiShield, Part 1

Using the base from Tippy, I've started building a Raspberry Pi powered, sensor enabled robot. Currently, you can SSH into it and control it via the serial port. The original Arduino-based motor driver from Tippy is still there, but in theory we could just send out PWM and control signals from the Pi directly.

Main components:

- Raspberry Pi Zero with inline 2-port USB adapter:
- - Port 1: wifi dongle
- - Port 2: Arduino USB serial
- PiShield Sensor Interface (current Kickstart project here)
- 5000 mAh OCHO mobile power bank (1A and 2.1A outputs).
- Arduino and Sparkfun motor driver. Its been a few years since I ordered that part. This one has two channels with PWM input for each channel for speed control. There are now ones that fit directly on the Raspberry Pi as well which could be more convenient to use...
- Tamiya Track and wheel set. Really handy little platform for making a basic tracked robot. One of the cheapest options out there too.

My idea is to add sensors to the PiShield, and then have it react to local environment conditions in addition to receiving wireless commands. The software I'm running on the Pi is the latest minibian, which usually boots up and gets an IP from my router in about 10~15 seconds.

Could this have been done on an Arduino or even an ESP8266 based board? Sure - but its kinda neat to be able to run linux on-board in a relatively compact package. Stay tuned for more updates!

p.s. apologies to /r/cablemanagement. This part is clearly not my strong suit... ;)

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