As a followup to the previous post, here is the basic python test code to poll the two sensors at 1 minute intervals, with a 15 second bootup time to stabilize the readings after each sleep period.
Following are two ~1 hour logging sessions, with the two sensors plugged into either side of my laptop, and _R and _L denotes the placement of each sensor. I swapped the two sensors between the two sessions in case there was any variance in the air quality across the surface of the desk itself ;)
Overall, it's difficult to say how well they work but it doesn't look too bad. I think a better test would be to compare across a longer period when more variance in the air quality is observed. One other thing I noticed even from these two rough and dirty tests is that the sensor seems to be sensitive to humidity, as the increase around 18:45 corresponded to when I took a shower... And it also looks like averaging a few consecutive readings for a single sample might make more sense given the amount of noise there is.
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